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"Be confident with your MOT with M&R"
The MOT is an annual safety check and the purpose of the test is to ensure that your vehicle meets the minimum safety standard set out by the ministry of transport in the road traffic act.
Our dedicated Macclesfield MOT centre is fully certified by the vehicle and operator services agency (VOSA) so you can rest assured that when you book in with M&R Motors, you are sure of a fair test and that standards have been met before a pass certificate is issued.
We can also offer a courtesy MOT reminder letter mailing service, so you won’t forget your MOT next year.
Body & Vehicle StructureCorrosion within 30cm of a structural mounting point sharp edges/protrusions that could damage other road users (pedestrians)
Fuel SystemLeaks, component security
Exhaust System & EmissionsExhaust security, corrosion and holes excessive smoke from tailpipe/meets emissions limits when tested
Seats & Seat BeltsCorrect seat belt operation when latching, unlatching and recoil. Condition of the webbing, no tears or fraying. Seat security, driver’s seat must move and latch on runners.
DoorsAll doors must open from the outside, front doors must open from both inside and outside.
MirrorsCondition and security of the driver’s wing mirror and one other mirror.
BrakesCondition and security of all brake components including abs, and any hydraulic system leaks. Efficiency test using dedicated measuring devices.
Wheels & TyresCondition and security, no signs of damage, accessible valve, tread depth same size tyre/wheel across an axle.
Registration Plates & VIN NumbersLegible and correct for the vehicle, condition and security, and correct spacing of characters.
LightsCorrect colour and function of all exterior lights.
Wipers and WashersHas proper operation, condition and security, effectively clearing the windscreen, washer jets hit the windscreen.
WindscreenNo object or chip/crack that obstructs the driver’s view of the road.
Steering & SuspensionCondition and operation, any play/wear in and related component.
Items Not Included in an MOT TestSpare wheel, rear wiper & washer, reversing lights.
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